Friday, April 27, 2012

It could happen

These are my calluses.
Today, I've been working on my lovely calluses. I practiced the 'Irish Washer Woman' about 50 times on my sweet little mandolin. I am slowly getting up to speed. Maybe one day I will hit the big time.

I have also spent a fair bit of the day thinking about Freddie Mercury and his amazing voice. He had a great mouth. I think the shape of his mouth helped him sing. Oh to sing like that!

I always try to imagine that I have a flip-top head when I sing. I think it helps me open up. Get my head out of the way.

This was my birthday dinner.
I had a great birthday. Me lovely husband made salmon & eggs benedict and a pot of tea for my dinner. My brother-in-law Liam came over with some yummy goodies and we had a feast. I haven't had a cupcake birthday isn't over.

I may be going to Japan in May.

I want to record an EP at Air Studios in London.

That is all I really have to share for now. Have a lovely day!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Beautiful people

Last weekend I had my first ever Finch and Flower photo shoot with the help of photographer Daniel Nathaniel and model Cristina Hussey! 

We were blessed with a bright sunny day so we drove a little up the road from where I live in Volcano and found a nice spot in the forest. 

Cristina was very patient as Daniel and I scurried around her. I can't believe how quickly we got through everything. We were like an assembly line. I was on jewelry duty,  I handed Cristina things and helped with clasps and such, Daniel would snap away and then we'd move on to the next item. We got through 20 something pieces in about 2 hours. I think that's pretty impressive.

I also did the catering. We had wine, sparkling apple juice and those yummy vanilla cream rolls you get at KTA. Unfortunately, I think I consumed most of the goodies, hopefully Cristina and Daniel got a little something.

I will update the shop as soon as Daniel sends me the finished photos, in the meantime, here is a sneak peek! I think you will all agree that the results speak for themselves.

This has been something I've dreamed of for a long time. I have done the best I could taking pictures of myself with my little camera, but it really does not compare to having a real photographer and an actual model to work with. I am so fortunate to know two such beautiful and talented people. Thank you Daniel and Cristina!