Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What if we lived in the sea?

I have been away from my blog for awhile. I have been simmering in a bitter stew of self pity and anger. Etsy, the big fat butt faces, have suspended my shop because of my extremely late bill. I have been threatened with collection agencies and permanent shop closure. Etsy has been very vague and cold in their correspondence with me. They will not accept payments. I am not sure what I am going to do.

I could go on and on complaining and explaining in detail how I go myself into this mess but that sounds rather boring. The point is, I'm no longer an active member of the Etsy cult. The delusion is over. It's time that I start focusing energy elsewhere. I hope to have a new virtual shop open soon. This whole Etsy mess has really taken a toll on my enthusiasm. I was already feeling discouraged and having my shop suspended really did me in. I'm slowly getting my inspiration back. We shall see.

Most of my time has been focused on music and theater lately. I am portraying the town floozy in KDEN's production of "Cinderella" and I have been playing my mandolin like a mad woman. My calluses are becoming a part of me.