Wednesday, May 1, 2013

An Ocean of Milk...

ॐ श्रीं महालक्ष्म्यै स्वाहा

My mother used to tell me that I was a baby cow. I love milk. I have always loved milk.

I remember the horror I experienced, upon finding out one afternoon in my adolescence, that we had run out of milk. As soon as this terrible news was delivered, I began to feel the constriction in my throat and my insides drying out. I collapsed on my bed and croaked out "I'm so thirsty". "You can drink water" replied my mother. At the time, I couldn't believe that she could be so heartless. How could she seem so calm and callous in such a crisis? Maybe she didn't realize the seriousness of my situation. Maybe she didn't know that I could die of thirst at any moment and no amount of water would save me.

I share this story to illustrate the obvious attraction I would have to a goddess who was churned out of an ocean of milk. Can you even imagine such a glorious thing?

An ocean of milk...

She emerged seated on a thousand-petalled lotus. And I am sure that delicious milk was dripping from every petal. Enough to dunk an infinite amount of pink cupcakes and chocolate chip cookies into. Enough to quench everyone's thirst.

Thank you for your blessings beautiful Lakshmi.

ॐ श्रीं महालक्ष्म्यै स्वाहा